Creative Director, Leader, Strategist

Dove Hair: Love Your Curls

Dove has been at the forefront of body positivity since the launch of the Campaign for Real Beauty. With this campaign, Dove took its brand mission to the hair category—with a film, a PR blitz, a children’s book, social creative, emojis, and more.

Beyond the effect on curly haired women and the positive brand lift, the campaign had huge business results, earning Dove Hair significantly more shelf space at top retailers.

Effie Bronze Award Winner for Engaged Community, OMMA Award Winner for Integrated Online Campaign 

To help inspire the next generation to love their curls, we used Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to ask women to share pictures and tell us their stories, and amplified some of our favorites. 

 Paired with the emotional support, was a launch of a product line specifically for curly hair, advertised on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Paired with the emotional support, was a launch of a product line specifically for curly hair, advertised on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
